Design with substance.
Tom Montague Design is led by me, Tom - a graphic designer with 15+ years experience of crafting angles, emotions, and ideas that set clients apart from their competitors. I work directly with government departments, businesses, and design agencies alike to create meaningful, engaging creative work that audiences remember with a smile in mind.
I work with a group of trusted contractors to deliver high level creative services for public and private sector clients.
Say hello
All of Government Creative Services
Tom Montague Design is a registered provider for all categories of the Creative Services All of Government panel.
We don’t decorate, we solve problems. It starts with strategy.
Strategy is vital for effectively communicating a single, unique idea that resonates with a target audience. A well-defined strategy ensures that all design choices such as colour, typography, and layout align with the brand's message and purpose.
Who are we talking to? What tone of voice and visual language will cut through to the people we want to engage with? These are important questions to address to ensure that the final design solution is hitting the right notes and speaking authentically to the people who matter.
strategic design connects directly to business goals, whether it's boosting brand awareness, driving sales, or building customer loyalty. Ultimately, a thoughtful strategy transforms design into a powerful tool for conveying a clear, consistent message that supports broader business objectives.
Our creative process has been refined to generate stunning results, while reducing the risk of going off-track visually.
Mood boarding is a critical part of the design process to communicate early stage ideas and visual directions. It provides an opportunity to to gauge interest in potential aesthetics and graphic structures. Only once mood boards have been explored and discussed are concepts generated. This reduces the risk of 'bad surprises' for both client and designer.
Once mood boards have been explored, discussed, and agreed upon, multiple concept directions are generated that are built upon a clear strategic direction, and the visual ideas from the mood board process.
Once a client has chosen a conceptual direction, we work to develop it more fully and make any requested refinements. This may involve multiple rounds of feedback and conversation - all part of the design process!
This is all part of finishing the job to a high standard. It involves delivery of all files necessary for the project, providing guidelines as needed, and any support that might be needed to complete the agreed scope of work.
A few brands we’ve worked with.
Private Sector.
Silver Fern Farms
Warner Brothers. Discovery
Rockit Apples
Massey University
Brother New Zealand
Smartly Payroll
TSB Bank
Insurance Council of NZ
Bounce Insurance
QT Hotels
Wild Bean Cafe
NZ On Screen
Public Sector.
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of Women
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Health
Cato Brand Partners
Foundry Creative
Wave Agency
Ocean Design
Insight Creative